Goris Mustaqim graduated from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 2006. he was co-founder of ITB Enterpreneurship Challenge (IEC). IEC has been supporting thousands of students to become entrepreneurs from 2006 until 2014; it was acknowledged as Indonesia’s leading student’s Business Plan Competition, broadcasted by a national TV channel in 2011 and supported by US Embassy.
Beside his entrepreneurial journey, he dedicated his passion in social entrepreneurship by being active as the Founder of local foundation in his hometown. His works on community development including managing sharia microfinance, youth education, farmer’s cooperative, and Rumah Sehat, a local health facility using information system to tackle maternal mortality and to prevent malnutrition.
Having this background and experiences, Goris has been serving as a consultant for several companies to implement their CSR activities. He works closely with local champions and grassroots (farmers, fisherman, tourism village, and urban communities) to develop their livelihood and their social progress. He also frequently helps Indonesian government to evaluate social welfare program, and to build capacity of civil servants.